At SALTEX (stand F115) Suregreen will be presenting a range grass, ground and gravel reinforcement products.
These products have been tailor made using specially selected plastics to provide trafficable solutions that are permeable, recycled and conform to latest government guidelines regarding drainage.
We will be showing a choice of products that provide solutions to range of issues from grass being worn down by running dogs to regular traffic movements by HGV Lorries.
Among the range is our GR Grass Reinforcement mesh that is laid directly on top of grass to allow parking and access, PP40 for grass or gravel for car parks and driveways, and Truckgrid Lite and Truckgrid Max to cater for forklifts, dustcarts and HGV trafficking. When installed correctly all the products have been designed to be able to be used for many, many years.
At the website is full range of fully downloadable installation guidelines for all the products. There is also construction profile advice pages for PP40, Truckgrid Lite and Truckgrid Max, case histories and specification sheets.