Tetraploid technology from Rigby Taylor

Having double the number of chromosomes compared to diploid perennial ryegrass, is what makes Tetraploid perennial ryegrasses high vigour, extremely stress tolerant plants.

Fastest establishment particularly when renovation windows are short and repairs are urgent is a distinct benefit at any time of year.

Cool Achiever

Tetraploids germinate and establish faster than diploid ryes especially in cooler conditions from just 40C. This is particular beneficial during the main renovation and transitional sowing period to provide faster germination at lower temperatures Superior winter wear and robust re-growth helps keep surfaces in play though this intense pressure period. Also ideal selections for cold temperature divotting.

Hot Performer

Tetraploids plants have higher root mass and together with deeper rooting delivers greater drought tolerance and stability; vital for survival under hot conditions and for surfaces that do not have irrigation.

Tough Protector

Selecting cultivars with high disease tolerance is essential and part of an integrated management approach. The official resting programme for GEVES Turfgrass List highlights great tolerance in Tetraploid cultivars to Leaf Spot, Microdochium, and Red Thread turf diseases.


Double chlorophyll gives the capability to harness more available light for energy. Proven response in the shade and wear stadium light trial at Les Alleuds Research Station, the latest cultivar
Tetrastar is the highest performing, with 7% greater wear tolerance than its nearest rival in these conditions. The Rigby

Taylor Sports Wear Trial at STRI concluded R140 Tetraploid blend delivered superior winter wear performance compared to diploid blends.

All of the individual grass seeds in the eight Rigby Taylor Tetraploid mixtures are pre-applied with Germin-8 liquid seed treatment, a potent cocktail of speciality penetrating surfactants, targeted nutrients, stimulants and micronised mycorrhizae. The benefits of Germin-8 are activated when the seed comes in contact with moisture in the rootzone, stimulating rapid cell division for faster germination and emergence and earlier root mass development. Independent trials have shown up to 100% increase in germination achieved after just 10 days.

“G0-T0” Choice

Delivering the fastest germination, establishment and survival in wide range of conditions, Tetraploids blended with diploid ryes or fescues have fast become reliable performers that always deliver. Eight distinctly different mixtures for stadiums, training grounds, sports fields, racecourses, cricket outfields, golf courses and landscaping make them the “go-to” choice.

The Tetraploid Technology mixtures R140 and R14 CR were specially selected to be used on England’s Euro 2016 training pitches to replicate the surfaces that the players are used to when training at St George’s Park or playing at Wembley. Both seed mixtures rapidly outcompeted existing grasses to bring the surfaces up to the standard required. Both mixtures were treated with Germin-8.”

There is a recommended mixture for every grass surface for construction, renovation, transitional seeding and repairs.

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