Dyffryn Fernant

Dyffryn Fernant,
SA65 9SP
United Kingdom
T: 01348 811282
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Dyffryn Fernant

I started from complete wilderness in 1996 thinking only of a ‘Front’ and a Kitchen garden. Expansion followed slowly but steadily. Problems included lack of top soil, abundance of rock, marsh, bog and underlying thick blue clay. All of these I have tried to turn to advantage and the result is a garden centred on my home, arising out of this particular and unique spot, belonging to its rural surroundings. Modern yet attached to the ancient past. Naturalistic in its planting as well as exotic and stylised in parts.


Dyffryn Fernant Garden

Dyffryn Fernant started life as a small dairy farm three miles outside Fishguard in Pembrokeshire. The six acres which now remain surround the original nineteenth century stone farmhouse, a barn and a scatter of outbuildings, one of which has been... Read More