Coles Nurseries, the UK's largest grower of trees and shrubs for amenity supply, have recently invested in a new production area designed to hold over 4500 Air-Pot trees, in girth sizes up to 20cm+.
The trees, available all year round in a range of sizes and species, are becoming more and more popular with the amenity market due to their higher survival rate after planting, when compared to container, root-ball or bare-root alternatives.
Air-Pots encourage an incredibly fibrous root system and eliminate root-circling by "˜Air-Pruning'; the cone shaped design of the Air-Pot restricts woody growth, encourages even root distribution and dramatically reduces losses after installation.
Currently available in Air-Pots from Coles are varieties of Acer, Betula, Carpinus, Fagus, Pinus, Pyrus, Quercus, Sorbus and Tilia.