In the light of ever rising petrol costs and the threat of tanker driver strikes, Midlands based company think-tanks has been working in partnership with The Petrol Tank Company Ltd in the further development of their patent protected Petrol tank range.
Brett Barton of think-tanks said: "We are constantly refining the petrol tanks and looking at opportunities to add further products to the range.
"The Caddy mobile bowser now covers two options of which the larger unit allows carrying of the maximum permitted quantity of petrol on the highways without ADR (tanker driver) training."
The Ground care sector was the initial reason for the development of the first tank but demand from other areas such as Marinas, Schools, Local Authorities, Police and small airfields, has led to the development of larger and more varied options for the tanks and the caddies.
Think-tanks are now responsible for the further development of overseas sales which to date have included, Ireland, Spain and Gabon in Africa. Enquiries have come in from as far field as Australia and several tanks were purchased for last years Olympic Games in London.
In addition to its specialised range of Petrol storage, The Petrol Tank Company and think-tanks also offer an ever expanding Diesel tank range, which includes units up to a massive 150,000 litres capacity.