SprayCDA.com is a new website dedicated to low volume herbicide application information and technology.
SprayCDA provides the latest news, legislation, and technology for low volume herbicide application for spray operators such as Local Authorities, Highways, Contractors, Landscapers etc.
According to Technical Manager, Jonathan Carr "SprayCDA is the first website developed to aid spray operators in obtaining specific information and news on technologies and legislation aimed at best practice pesticide usage. Our staff at SprayCDA have BASIS qualifications, extensive knowledge and experience of pesticide issues, as well as comprehensive understanding of controlled droplet and ultra low volume systems. The aim is to raise the profile of low volume application equipment and products, whilst educating operators on best practice modern day techniques, that reduce pesticide output, save on labour and substantially cut costs."
With the implications of the introduction of the '
Sustainable Use Directive' for sprayers in the UK, SprayCDA offers operators and contract managers tangible information and options to reduce their output of herbicide without compromising the quality of their weed control service.
The SprayCDA website will constantly be updated with new information, news and features. If you have any feedback on information and features you would like to see the site contain contact the SprayCDA team at
info@spraycda.com. SprayCDA is a division of Maxwell Amenity Ltd, the company behind
amenity.co.uk and