Sudstech provides the perfect solution for veteran's garden

Langford Direct was approached by ITV producer Brian Hawtin earlier this year to provide its patented resin bound surfacing system, Sudstech for such a worthwhile cause.

Love Your Garden Garden hosted by Alan Titchmarsh was planning to surprise Afghan war veteran Nathan Cumberland with a new garden.

Nathan who lost both legs in a bomb attack in Helmond province was unable to use the garden as it had many different levels and uneven surfaces which presented potentially dangerous trip hazards.

The programme was looking for suppliers to offer their products and services free of charge and we were delighted to be given a chance to contribute to such a worthwhile cause.

The team wanted to provide a patio area and pathways around the garden. Nathan needed an even non- slip surface to enable him to enjoy the garden with his young son Harry. The designers choose our Tweed stone blend which perfectly complements the planting and the Gabion features.

Due to its anti-slip surface, Sudstech is used in many hospitals where patients have restricted mobility for instance fracture clinics and dementia gardens.

The patented system comprising a recycled tyre sub-base allows water to filter back into the ground ensuring it remains free from standing water.

Every square centimetre of Sudstech is a soakaway; the surface holds water until it can percolate through to the ground because of this additional drainage is unnecessary, further reducing the potential for trips and falls.

The surface is tested at the British research establishment to withstand the Freeze-thaw cycle without damage something that resin surfaces installed on to either concrete or tarmac is prone to suffer.

Because of Nathans disability, the design team specified that the surface they choose should require the bare minimum of maintenance.

Sudstech integral rubber sub-base is designed to be slightly flexible in allowing grit and dirt to work its way through the surface as it is used.

As this means that there is very little chance of weeds establishing, leaving Nathan and his family more time to enjoy the fabulous garden that Alan and his team designed.

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