Following John Moverley’s decision to step down as chairman of the Amenity Forum, the organisation has taken the opportunity to refresh its structure to meet the challenges and opportunities ahead. It has increased the number on its Board, recruited an Executive Officer and appointed a chairman from within the new Board.
The increased number of directors now gives greater representation of member interests in what is a diverse and important sector.
The Executive Officer will, as the title suggests, be responsible for the operational activities of the Forum.
The Chairman will chair the Board and the Full Forum and will also work with the Executive Officer representing the interests of the sector as a whole.
Peter Corbett is the Executive Officer. He has substantial experience of the amenity sector and is seen as the ideal person to take forward the work of the Forum.
At the recent Board meeting, Ian Graham of Complete Weed Control was the unanimous choice to take up the new role as chairman. Ian brings many years of experience of operating in a leadership role in the amenity industry and is an excellent choice.
Kate Hopkins will continue her role providing administrative support and as manager of the Amenity Standard.
Ian Graham said: ‘’The restructuring of the Forum following the decision by John to step down as the chairman was essential in order to build on the considerable achievements that have been made during his tenure. Our industry continues to face many challenges and as such, a diverse and well-structured board to support Peter in his new role was essential. It will be my pleasure to contribute to the future of the forum as chairman of the board and look forward to building on the considerable success that John’s leadership and efforts have created.’’
Peter Corbett said: “I am very much looking forward to building on the fantastic work that John has done representing our industry at all levels. Our sector has the responsibility for managing the amenity environment in a sustainable and responsible manner. The importance of public open spaces, high quality sports & leisure facilities has been clearly seen by all, throughout the last few difficult years. The sector is very diverse, and the Amenity Forum plays a critical role in representing the whole sector including contractors, local authorities, sports and leisure facilities, invasive weed contractors, rail and highway sectors, product manufacturers and distributors and training organisations covering all amenity situations.’’
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