Sue Morgan to step down as CEO of the Landscape Institute

Sue Morgan joined the Landscape Institute (LI) in July 2021, from the Design Council where she was the Executive Director of the Architecture and Built Environment, and interim CEO.

Sue brought to the LI more than 20 years’ experience as a leader in the built and natural environment sectors, together with a long-held commitment to tackling the climate and biodiversity crisis.

During her tenure at the LI, Sue has overseen the delivery and development of:

  • The ‘Skills for Greener Places, A review of the UK’s landscape workforce’ report, which has for the first-time registered greenspace professionals as a distinct group at the Office of National Statistics.
  • The hugely successful LI UK Campaign/Roadshow ‘People Place and Nature, ‘in partnership with Homes England. Covering all UK regions and devolved nations, being the most comprehensive member and non-member engagement campaign for many years.
  • Investment in the LI Team by placing an emphasis on Membership, Education and Communications, through recruitment and investment thereby strengthening our internal expertise.
  • Leading LI delegations to national and international conferences, for the first time, giving the institution a voice amongst top tier investors, developers, and government agencies.

Sue Morgan said: “As a greenspace and built environment professional that is passionate about place and tackling the climate crisis, my time at the LI has been exciting and fulfilling.

“I have been very lucky to have worked with such a dedicated and committed LI staff team and privileged to have worked alongside the excellent Board and Advisory Council, who have offered me insight and support.

“I am now keen to continue my work in helping to deliver education and skills for a new and diverse generation, long- term stewardship for green infrastructure, and new finance models.”

Jane Findlay Immediate Past President said: “Over the past two years she has brought a special level of experience and expertise to our institution at a time when the work of our members has never been more relevant to the global challenges, we all face.

“We know how passionate Sue is about these issues and we look forward to seeing her bring her energy and insight to new endeavours in this ever more important context. We wish her well for the future.”

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