Mega-Mix saves time and improves efficiency

With the rising cost of liquid concentrate, mixing your own feed from soluble straights can be up to 90% cheaper.

But the traditional way of doing this is time consuming and messy, and risks blocking your sprayer jets if not thoroughly mixed.

The brand-new Mega-Mix fertiliser mixing station from GreenTek provides a fast, economical way for greenkeepers to mix their own feed.

Mega-Mix enables soluble straights of NPK, Sulphate of Iron, Sulphate of Ammonia etc to be thoroughly mixed without hot water and avoids any messy straining and additional dilution. Instead, you can thoroughly mix up to 1,200 litres in the tank, using only cold water.

The high-capacity pump transfers the solution through the filter unit and into your sprayer in just minutes. Then the next load can be mixing whilst you are out spraying the first.

Save hours of messy work and hundreds or even thousands of pounds per year by mixing your own solutions with Mega-Mix.

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