Go Green for Groundwork in June

Groundwork has announced their Go Green fundraising campaign, taking place across 10-16 June, to help raise funds to support young people to take practical action on the planet.

Every year Groundwork supports thousands of young people to take practical action on environmental concerns that matter to them – inspiring them to protect the planet, on a local and global scale, and to harness passion and ideas.

By empowering young people through programmes like New to Nature and our Youth Advisory Board, confidence is boosted to take action in local communities, reduce climate anxiety and inspire others.

This year, Groundwork seeks to reach even more people with the help of those who ‘Go Green’ to raise important funds for the charity.

Groundwork is encouraging individuals, groups, family and friends to all take part and no matter the group size, there are a range of ways to Go Green for Groundwork, including swapping your car for your bike or public transport for a week, trying a vegetarian or plant-based diet for a week or challenging yourself on a walk or run. Involve other people by holding an organic or locally grown pot luck lunch together or organising a green-themed dress day down at work!

“We know how important it is to ensure young people are at the heart of environmental action – whether that’s connecting with nature, creating green jobs or driving community-led responses to climate change,” said Graham Duxbury, Groundwork’s UK Chief Executive. “After all, it’s their future at stake. Funds raised through Go Green will help us reach and empower even more young people while encouraging us all to make our lives greener in the process.”

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