The UK’s parks, green spaces, and playgrounds are on the brink of crisis, with 6.3 million people across the country not having any nearby access to these precious spaces.
Fields in Trust says the industry as a whole must make it clear to all political candidates that parks, nature and play matter.
During this UK General Election campaign, The Trust asked its supporters, to share three policy asks centred on protecting, expanding, and improving the future of parks and green spaces.
It has taken a closer look at the four main Party Manifestos to provide a summary of commitments on the issues that we care about.
Parks are a universal public service but the fact that they transcend so many areas of public policy has resulted in a lack of focus and priority.
Fields in Trust scoured through the main party manifestos to get a sense of what a new government agenda might look like for parks and green spaces to give us an indication of priorities and direction.
A rather strained Ctrl + F search hints at a disconnect between the role parks and green spaces are well placed to play in delivering the big manifesto asks around health and wellbeing and the environment.
Plans for new National Parks, National River Walks, Nature Parks and National Forests are all of course to be welcomed whole heartedly. But Fields in Trust is calling across the board for a greater commitment to some of the unsung heroes; the parks that many of us use every single day but rarely get prioritised for long-term investment and improvement.
As the results of the election filter through this time next week, and the new cabinet is appointed, Fields in Trust will be working hard to influence the new government to be ambitious and innovative about the role parks can play in delivering wider policy goals.
It will be championing why, therefore, parks and green spaces need to be properly revalued for the long term.
Over the coming weeks, Fields in Trust will be getting in touch with all newly elected MPs to ask them to sign a Park Protector Pledge.
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