Green-tech supplies bio retention soil

Plymouth City Centre embarked on a transformative regeneration project to revitalise the key areas of Old Town Street and New George Street.

The £1.6 million contract aims to deliver significant visual and environmental improvements, including 25 new semimature trees, new islands of greenery, and a sustainable urban drainage system that includes three rain gardens with ornamental planting.

YGS Landscapes turned to Green-tech, a leading provider of landscaping materials, to supply 160 tonnes of Green-tree Bioretention Soil to create the three rain gardens.

Green-tree Bioretention helped to address the project’s sustainability and drainage needs. Designed to facilitate rainwater absorption, filtration, and plant growth, this specialist soil played a central role in the creation of the rain gardens.

The scheme plays an important role in the city’s flood management strategy and its Climate Emergency Action Plan as the three rain garden tanks are capable of holding back 75.5 cubic metres of storm water.

Sustainable Urban Drainage systems (SuDs) are designed to protect streets from flooding. On this occasion, it entailed creating large holes in the ground that were reinforced and layered with material to act like a giant plant pot to hold rainwater which will irrigate the new plants and trees. Green-tree Bioretention Soil uses the highest quality sands and green composts to provide an efficient permeability rate to avoid waterlogging on the surface area while holding sufficient nutrient levels and organic matter to support the vegetation used.

The soil’s composition ensures the successful establishment of vegetation and the effective management of stormwater runoff.

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