Pathway To Play - urging the new Government to invest in playgrounds

The Association of Play Industries (API) is calling on the public to support its Pathway to Play campaign by writing to their local MPs, urging the government to invest in public playgrounds in their first Budget on 30 October.

The campaign seeks to address the growing crisis of childhood obesity and mental health issues by ensuring that every child has access to safe, high-quality outdoor play spaces.

The newly elected Prime Minister, Sir Keir Starmer, and key government ministers have already been approached by API Chair Dr. Amanda Gummer, who is advocating for policy changes that will make outdoor play a central aspect of childhood.

Dr Gummer says: “Investing in playgrounds is crucial for reversing the alarming trends in childhood health. Outdoor play is an essential aspect of childhood and public playgrounds are the number one location for children’s outdoor play.

“Policy oversight has led to inadequate provision of dedicated play spaces, resulting in children spending more time indoors, alone and inactive. The new Chancellor will be announcing the first Labour Government Budget on 30 October and it’s imperative that they find room in the budget to protect our children’s right to play in their communities. Urgent change is needed to reverse rising childhood obesity and mental health problems.”

The API has created a template letter for members and supporters to send to their local MPs. The letter highlights the importance of conducting a national audit of playgrounds, securing long-term funding for community play spaces and integrating outdoor learning into schools.

The API urges everyone who cares about children’s wellbeing to download the template letter from the API website, personalise it and send it to their MP before the budget on 30 October. Together, we can ensure that the government recognises the vital role of public playgrounds in building healthier communities.

For more information and to download the template letter, click here.

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